This research report was prepared for DPI by journalist Ferda Balancar. This research is concerned with the evolution and the internal dynamics of the People’s Alliance between the AK Party and the MHP, an alliance which played a decisive role in Turkish politics in the last few years. In the context of a potential new resolution process regarding the Kurdish issue, this report looks at the possible outcomes of MHP’s relationship with both President Erdoğan and the AK Party. The report analyses the attitudes of MHP, known to be a doctrinaire nationalist party, with regard to a number of political developments that took place since 2002, when AK Party came into power, and the policies it formulated. DPI would like to express its thanks to the author for producing this engaging research paper. The views and opinions expressed in the research remain those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of DPI. This research was funded by the Norwegian and Irish governments.